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Reduce Your Energy Use

Without Compromising On Comfort

Cosy looking lady drinking coffee
ASHP in snow
Heating thermostat being adjusted


Air source heat pumps are cost-effective and environmentally friendly systems that absorb heat from the outside air to heat appliances and water in your property. An Air Source Heat Pump allows you to generate your own renewable heat, potentially leading to savings on your energy bills. Unlike gas and oil boilers, these pumps operate at lower temperatures.  Traditional boilers consume more energy than they produce, well-installed air source heat pumps can deliver three times more energy than they consume on average.

Typically installed outdoors at the side or back of a property, air source heat pumps require ample space for proper air circulation. Inside, you'll find a unit housing pumps and hot water, which is usually smaller than a standard boiler. 

To make your heating 100% renewable, heat pumps can be powered by onsite solar and wind energy for self-sufficiency.

Contact our experienced team for specialist advice and to discover the potential cost savings.

Hot tub
Swimming pool


Heat Pumps

Swimming pool and hot tub heat pumps offer an eco-friendly and economical solution for heating pools and hot tubs. The heat pump circulates hot water, simultaneously cleaning and warming your pool.

What sets heat pumps apart for use in heating pools and hot tubs, is their energy-efficient nature. They require only a small amount of electricity to convert heat from the air to your pool. The captured heat is magnified and and can be a source of heating  all year around.


Air source heat pumps use electricity to operate, and work in a similar way to a fridge, but in reverse. They extract heat from the air outside and use it to warm your home. For every one kilowatt of electricity used they can create up to three kilowatts of heat to warm your radiators and hot water.


Heat in the air is absorbed by the heat pump even when it's -15 degrees outside.

The heat pump uses a liquid refrigerant to absorb the heat.


Despite being cooler than inside, this outdoor air is warm enough to cause the refrigerant to boil and turn to gas. The heat pump compresses this gas to create the heat for indoors.


The heat created from compressing the refrigerant are then transferred into your home via a heat exchanger and circulation pump.


The heat is then transferred to your central heating system to warm your radiators and underfloor heating. It can easily keep your home at a constant 21 degrees. 


An air source heat pump generates enough heat to also heat a hot water cylinder supplying plenty of water for baths and showers in a family home.

An air or ground source heat pump have a wide range of benefits, from reducing your carbon footprint to potentially saving you money on your energy bills. Contact us today to discover how a heat pump could benefit your home.

BENEFITS Of Air Source Heat Pumps

Renewable Energy

As a renewable energy source, they are a great options for households looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Low Running Costs

A well-designed heat pump system can deliver on-going low running costs.

Eligible For Grants

Heat pumps are eligible for grants of £7,500 through the government run Boiler Upgrade Scheme.

Low Maintenance

Heat pumps are a low maintenance system and require simple annual services that Rawlings Renewables can administer.

Certified Installations

All installations are installed to the highest standards by our qualified team and complies with the latest regulations.

Heat All Year Round

Great for providing heating to your home all year round.

CONTACT Our Friendly Team

Please complete the form below for more information about the benefits of renewable energy sources or to book a free home survey to find out the suitability of your property for an installation.

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